Fireside Chat 1017: Zach Hart, President/CEO of Tailored Technology Services

In a recent Fireside Chat, Kathy Dawson, CSP, CEO of Dawson & Dawson, talks to Zach Hart, President/CEO of Tailored Technology Services. Zach and his team provide #technology products, services, and support to small and medium size #businesses in order to promote the highest level of protection and productivity, thus increasing profitability. With a strong focus on communication, collaboration and #security, TTS has seen a lot of success with clients across all industries. Over the years they have built a strong network of tools and vendors which they leverage to bring the best of the industry to their clients. They can provide urgent or project based support as well as ongoing monthly support. You can find more information about them through the following channels.

Phone: (949) 342-4322 x3

#IT #security #tech #informationtechnology