Planning for Career Success
Common sense will tell you that certain qualities such as motivation, good judgment, and integrity are crucial to career success. So, do these qualities guarantee success? Not unless you put them to good use, by demonstrating them among many others every day on the job.
You can truly succeed with the right attitude and the willingness to go the extra mile!
Confidence is key when it comes to succeeding. You have to believe in yourself and your ability to be successful in your job. Confidence will allow you to develop your potential and the insight to recognize opportunities for advancement.
Being a team player demonstrates that you work well with others, which is critical in an office setting. You should also project a positive attitude at all times. Bad days at work are inevitable, but you must pick yourself up and carry on. Your attitude is within your control and it is imperative that you remain positive and focused on your goal of being successful; a negative attitude about a setback or failure can diminish your reputation as a professional.
Reliability is essential for earning the trust of your supervisor and coworkers, and will contribute to the opinion that you are an integral part of the company. Always arrive to work and meetings on time or even early, and meet or beat your deadlines. Follow through on any promises you have made, assignments you have been given or anything for which you volunteered.
Organization is also crucial; you have to take time each day to prioritize tasks. Think about your short- and long-term goals, and the immediate projects that will help you achieve those goals, as well as any intermediary steps required to achieve them. Review your progress thus far, taking special note of effective measures that have helped your success to this point.
Communicate with your supervisors and any employees you supervise in a clear, concise and friendly manner. Keep the discussions professional – participating in gossip will not serve you well. Maintain an open-door policy with those you supervise. Be approachable when staff members need you to lend an ear and do not be afraid to approach your own supervisors with any concerns or ideas. Communication is also how you can market yourself to others at your job by expressing your ideas, your goals and your desire to be successful at your job.
If you have the drive, you can truly succeed at work. You have all of the essential skills, now go put them to work!
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