Honoring Our Veterans Today
Today we remember and salute our military veterans. We would like to share some rarely advertised free meals and deals as a small gesture of our gratitude. After all, a simple thank you will never be enough to express how grateful we are for all our military service members.
- The Military Wallet – Free Meals & Deals
Frequently updated nationwide list of restaurants and companies offering discounts to military members - Veterans Day Free Meals on Freebies.com
Eight page list of popular restaurants and retailers providing free meals and other discounts to veterans and military members - Military.com Discounts & Freebies
Lists of restaurant offerings, travel and recreational discounts, retailer offerings, and Veterans Day events - Military Benefits Site
- Discounts and Veterans Day Deals
List includes free or discounted hotels, car washes, haircuts, oil changes, free park access and much more - 2015 Veterans Day Deals for Everyone
Retailers offering discounts to military and non-military, some with promo codes
- Discounts and Veterans Day Deals
Call ahead to make sure your local places are participating and ask what you need to bring to identify yourself. Again, to all of our veterans past and present – thank you for your service.
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