Don’t Let Your Office Become an Endless Groundhog Day
Do you ever find yourself asking what day it is? Does time seems to blur where every workday seems to repeat itself. Do you find yourself feeling like Bill Murray’s character in the 1993 comedy Groundhog Day? If so, your employees likely feel the same way. Keeping employees engaged and motivated during the winter months can be a challenge. The days are shorter. The sun is barely up when most of us get to work and already down when we leave the office. So, what can employers do to shake up the routine of the everyday grind?
Change the Scenery – Get Out of the Office
If your business has a “working lunch” culture, nip it in the bud! Encourage your employees to leave the office for their lunch break. They will return refreshed and be more productive for the remainder of the day, as opposed to if they ate lunch at their desk. No time for lunch? Take a 15-minute walk around the block to get a fresh perspective.
Get Comfortable with Discomfort – Encourage Employees to Step out of their Comfort Zone
Few people enjoy doing the same thing every day all day. Grant employees opportunities to do something they have never done before. Encourage them to try something a little beyond their reach. Let them know it is okay to step out of their comfort zone often. This will challenge them personally and professionally. They will become more confident in their abilities and feel more valuable to the organization.
Plants Aplenty – Turn the Office Scene Green
A drab, mundane environment can sap inspiration and motivation to perform at your very best. Change up the scenery in the office. Rotate plants to different locations to freshen up the space. Get creative. Pot some plants in coffee mugs or quirky containers to add some whimsy. Try adding or replacing plants with air-cleaning or mood-boosting varieties. Check out these 5 great plants for the office.
Soak up the Sun – Take it Outside
Let your employees enjoy some daylight during the week. If possible, take the work outside. Sunshine can brighten spirits and energize. Try conducting a meeting at a nearby park or outdoor patio. Even allowing an extra-long lunch break here n there will go a long way toward beating the winter doldrums.
Don’t let your office become an endless Groundhog Day. Winter is a great time to get creative while you wait for brighter days. Regardless if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not next Monday, change it up with the above ideas.
What’s your winter time work morale like? Check out the 10 C’s to Employee Engagement for some more creative ideas on engaging your employees.
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