Happy Thanksgiving 2023 from Team Dawson!
As Thanksgiving approaches, we are thankful for the unwavering commitment each person brings to the Thanksgiving table. This season of gratitude brings the promise of a bright future ahead!
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we want to share what our team is most grateful for this year!
Happy Thanksgiving from our Team
There is an abundance of gratitude in my heart this year. I have been privileged to have worked in the recruiting industry 40 years doing what I love. I am grateful for the ability to make choices that shape and enrich my life in a profound way. I am grateful for the people in my personal and work families, as well as my non-profit and networking circles. Those that you choose to surround yourself with become the most important people to your success. I am thankful for all the relationships we have built at Dawson & Dawson. We would not be here without you.
– Kathy Dawson, CEO | Dawson & Dawson
I am thankful for our family’s good health and positive & happy outlook on daily living. Our family is fortunate to be located in Southern California and close enough to visit frequently.
I am grateful Working with a great team doing what I love. Living in a great country, Friends, Family, and God.
This is a year to be thankful. I’m so thankful to be here, with a healthy, healed heart. I’m thankful for my family – their love, support and humor and for my work family – you make work fun!
Grateful for my amazing circle of close girlfriends and how we all lift each other up. I am also grateful for the amazing team I work with and my family.
I am grateful for my kids and my grandkids. They provide me with so much joy and laughter.
I am most grateful for my family, my dogs (even if they drive me crazy) they make good companions, my health, where I live, and my job!!!
The thing I am most grateful for is my family, my dogs, my friends, for being alive and healthy.
So grateful for all of MY family, immediate, extended and in the Hawaiian culture we say calabash (friends that are family!).
I’m grateful for my health, my amazing family, my lovely home, my fun job I enjoy working at everyday, and my wonderful friends.
I am grateful for the beautiful place we live, family and friends, and the opportunity to work with our amazing team.
I am grateful for my loving/supportive family, closest friends & my beautiful guardian angel that mean everything to me. I am grateful for my health & being able to wake up each day to figure out my purpose on earth.
I am grateful for my family, to be alive, the chance to work with such an amazing team, and such a wonderful CEO.
I am grateful for my family and friends who have provided with endless support. I also am so grateful to be part of an awesome team!
The “Dawson Difference”
Making the world a better place one job at a time!
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