It’s that Time of Year Again! Tax Season is Upon Us
The deadline for taxes is just around the corner, make sure you dot your i’s and cross your t’s and by all means, don’t miss the deadline! The deadline to file taxes actually falls on Tuesday, April 15 this year. That means it is postmarked and on its way. Most Americans have already filed, especially those getting a refund, but the IRS says 20 to 25 percent of us are going to wait until the last two weeks.
To save yourself some unnecessary stress next year, be sure to thoroughly review this year’s taxes for any changes that may need to be made on your W-2. Now may be the time to adjust your withholdings. The IRS has a Withholding Calculator that can help you get it just right! Check it out here. If in doubt, ask a tax professional.
If you want to keep up with tax law changes, helpful tips and IRS announcements are available throughout the year so you don’t miss out on any important information. To do so, subscribe to IRS Tax Tips here or download the mobile app from the IRS.
Happy tax season and good luck to you all!
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